NFDHR launches new project in WASH, Education and Shelter in Hodeida

NFDHR has launched a new project in the field of WASH, Education and Shelter in Bait Al-Faqih district, Al-Hodeida , with support of Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF).
The project aims to improve the access of the most vulnerable and affected beneficiaries to integrated life-saving interventions in Education, WASH and Shelter.
The project benefits 30,501 IDPs and host community in 12 IDP settlement sites in the district.

The main project activities in the field of WASH include the implementation and rehabilitation of 5 water projects and building 65 bathrooms in the targeted sites, in addition to carrying out awareness sessions to enhance hygiene and environmental sanitation efforts in these sites.
The project's activities in the field of Education include building16 classrooms, rehabilitating 42 classrooms, supporting targeted schools with 621 school seats, and supporting 7000 school boys and girls with school bags and supplies.
Shelter activities include the distribution of 720 kits (mattresses) and 600 basic shelter kits, and the installation of 50 Tihama tents for shelter-less IDP families.