Office Director of UNHCR in Saada Reviews NFDHR Interventions in IDPs Sites in Sahar

Office Director of UNHCR in Saada Governorate and UNHCR Protection Officer reviewed NFDHR interventions in IDPs sites in Sahar District, Saada Governorate.

The office director and the protection officer visited the IDP collective site in Qamal in Al-Talh area and listened to detailed explanation from director of NFDHR office in Saada governorate and CCCM project coordinator about the activities carried out by NFDHR in 5 locations in the districts of Al-Safra and Sahar, which are inhabited by 1910 families.
In the visit, the community committees explained to the Office Director and Protection Officer the essential needs of the displaced in the Qamal site.
NFDHR worked to support the displaced in the camps, through installing 225 tents and 45 toilets with cesspit in addition to establishing 3 water distribution points in Sahar district. Roofs of 52 damaged homes were repaired by displaced families in As-Safra district within the activities of Camp Management Support Project funded by YHF.