NFDHR Lunches the Distribution of Food Assistance in Aljawf governorate

With the support of World Food Programme (WFP), the National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response (NFDHR) lunches, in May 19, the distribution of food assistance for May cycle in Al-Jawf governorate.

NFDHR is targeting 33406 displaced and vulnerable HHs with In-kind and voucher transfers in the hardest places to reach in Bart Al-Anan, Al-Humaydat, Az-Zahir, Al-Ghayl, Al-Maslub, Khabb Wa Sh Sha’af, Al-Matammah, Al-Maton, Al-Khalq, and Al-Hazm, districts in Al-Jawf governorate.

The distribution started with implementing precautionary measures to limit any possible infection of Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19); including preventing overcrowding and preserving social distance of at least one meter between beneficiaries, in addition to providing hand sanitizers and awareness. NFDHR continues updating its measures in accordance with the latest recommendations in delivering lifesaving assistance.